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Finding My Song. Finding Your Song.
“This can’t be all there is to life.”
“This can’t be all there is to my life.”
I’ve heard this, and said this, more times than I have fingers and toes.
It was a feeling I had. A feeling that wouldn’t go away no matter how happy and fulfilled my life appeared.
Community on the road to Song.
It’s amazing how community can make you feel. I had some “old” friends that I haven’t been able to spend time with come out to our farm and break in our new Kitchen this weekend. We’ve all seen each other through a lot. Death of parents. Marriages. Children. Divorces. Second Marriages. For me they’ve seen me through the beginning of my fears and bewilderment of my opening spirit abilities to the beginning of my happily ever after story.
New Year. New Beginnings. New Things To Learn.
February starts later this week, but I still feel the beginning of a new year. There’s so much new in my life this year.
Our new teaching space, called The Kitchen at Keddie Farms is done.
Who Are You Webinar
Who are you?
What are you?
What are you capable of doing?
What are your gifts?
Why are you here?
What is your purpose?
Who are we. I was talking to a few new Ka Ta See students and it got me pondering fondly about my beginning studies. When I signed up to study with Kay Cordell Whitaker, back in what I believe was 2013, I signed up with the intention of developing my ability to talk to Spirits. When the training began with identity questions I was a little surprised.
Plotting and planning, mixing, tasting and manifesting.
I like to grow things and I like to eat things. I spend a lot of time doing both. It’s probably why I see so many life analogies in nature, gardening and cooking. In my recent blog called Manifesting – The Importance of Making Mistakes, I compare manifesting the things you want in life to making soup.